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401 weeks ago

Molé Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss
by Diana Silva
rating: 5.0 (4 reviews)

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In this heartfelt love story, Diana shares the intimate journey of her mother&#x2019;s final thirteen months. She cooks her mother&#x2019;s heirloom Mexican recipes every weekend while Rose presides from her nearby hospice bed and completes taste tests to ensure that Diana has perfected her favorite dishes. <br /><br />Rose also uses this precious time to help Diana understand the secrets to a good life: forgiveness, love, faith, and gratitude for every moment. <br /><br />Diana hopes that her story will inspire you to be courageous, present, authentic and vulnerable during your farewell journeys.<br /><br />The book includes some of Rose&#x2019;s most cherished recipes, Chicken mole, Spanish rice, chili beans, enchiladas, guacamole and others.<br /><br />Diana was just nine years old and when her culinary training began. Rose was making her legendary flour tortillas, and Diana&#x2019;s big job was to mix the masa. Rose expertly poured water, flour, salt and a little baking powder in the bowl and Diana eagerly put her small hands in the bowl and tried to follow her mother's patient instructions on how to mix it. Diana loved the way the sticky dough felt in her little fingers. She was so very proud and excited to help her mama.<br /><br />Diana didn't understand the road she had embarked on that afternoon and the joy she&#x2019;d experience cooking with her mother for more than 20 years. But of these multi-generational recipes had been written down, nor could Diana make them without help from her mother. And thus the urgency for this final training from her master chef, Rose. Her recipes needed to be perfected for future generations to enjoy. <br /><br />About the author<br />Diana Silva is a San Francisco-based home chef, video blogger and radio host. Her Mol&#xe9; Mama Recipes YouTube channel celebrates family recipes, cooking delicious meals at home and adding love to every recipe. Diving into her Latina roots, she uses her magical molcajete, and other tools and techniques that make her food taste like grandma used to make back in Mexico. Along with her guest chefs, Diana explores recipes and traditions from all over the world and the stories that keep them alive. <br /><br />Diana is calling everyone to return to their kitchens and to preserve their living and passed ancestor&#x2019;s favorite recipes and stories for future generations. &#x201c;We need to try to preserve our cultures and not just let those favorite recipes disappear forever. The common thread of every cherished family recipe is that they were homemade with love, and that&#x2019;s the real secret ingredient,&#x201d; says Diana. For many home chefs, cooking is their preferred love language, and that&#x2019;s why we cherish their recipes. Their love has the power to transcend an ordinary recipe into magic!<br /><br />Diana encourages everyone to preserve those precious recipes and the stories that make them special. She invites those whose recipes have been lost or have faded over time to subscribe to her YouTube channel, there are plenty of recipes and traditions to share, and you just might be inspired to create your own because, &#x201c;Every Recipe Tells a Story.&#x201d; Many of the recipes in this book are on her YouTube channel.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

rank: #673,092
price: $15.95
bound: 286 pages
lang: English
asin: B071Y5GGDY
filesize: 1101 KB

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View Diana Silvas professional profile on LinkedIn. . Mol Mama; A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss . In this heartfelt love story, .Try Google Play Music . In this remarkable memoir-written during her pivotal first years of becoming her authentic self-Caitlyn . The police are at a loss; .Available today, "Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss," by Diana Silva, shares the intimate journey of her mother's final thirteen months in this heartfelt .Cisco Systems, Inc.Bay Area Home Chef Diana Silva Releases 'Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss' . "Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss," by Diana Silva, .Bay Area Home Chef Diana Silva Releases 'Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss' . "Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss," by Diana Silva, .Books Audio news coverage. Log In . she learns that love can overcome . Bay Area Home Chef Diana Silva Releases 'Mol' Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss' by .Available today, "Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss," by Diana Silva, shares the intimate journey of her mother's final thirteen months in this heartfelt .Download at Sign In *. of my someday drawer accumulating dust, and cobwebs, I opened it up, and today Im launching my first book, Mol Mama; A Memoir of Love, Cooking, and Loss. .Wild River Review, Stockton, . A MEMOIR OF LOVE, LOSS AND HEALING . Mama Love - Wild River Review. Mama Love - Wild River Review.Spring 2016 Announcements: Memoirs & Biographies: Whos Got the Story? By Louisa . A Memoir of Love, Loss, . Cooking. People. Religion.Cisco Systems, Inc.Hunt to find bakers to create birthday cake to mark 80 years of Bents Garden and Home Warrington Guardian . Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss .Bay Area Home Chef Diana Silva Releases 'Mol' Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss' . "Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss," by Diana Silva, .Book News by Mole Mama: Available today, "Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss," by Diana Silva, shares the intimate journey of her mother's final thirteen .Mole Mama a Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss. You can purchase the book on Amazon. #molemama #ilovebooks #reading #cooking #grief CONGRATS molemama.Maman's Homesick Pie: A Persian Heart in an American Kitchen . A Persian Heart in an American Kitchen. . and her own burgeoning love of food and cooking .Book News by Mole Mama: Available today, "Mol Mama: A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss," by Diana Silva, shares the intimate journey of her mother's final thirteen . b2ff6ad845

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last edited 378 weeks ago by Ramsedmo
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